Saturday, 03 February 2018 16:46

Call for nominations: Prestigious Awards

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Dear SASM member

The South African Society for Microbiology wishes to honour outstanding South African microbiologists who have contributed to significantly to the discipline, both nationally and internationally.


In recognition of exceptional achievements in the field of microbiology, the SASM may award the following medals:

  1. Gold Medal: to a member who has, over an extended period of time, rendered exceptional service in the field of microbiology in South Africa.
  2. Silver Medal: to a member for either an exceptionally meritorious and original research effort in the field of microbiology published in a recognised professional journal, or for exceptional achievement in any branch of microbiology.
  3. Bronze Medal: to a member for an outstanding publication in the field of microbiology.

Awards shall be made only in meritorious cases and on the basis of fully substantiated, confidential recommendations, in writing, from SASM members. The SASM reserves the right to make no award in a specific year.

If you wish to nominate someone, please submit the following to the Secretary: SASM Merit Committee, at the address given below:

1. Motivated recommendation seconded by two SASM members and signed by all.

  • Specify the award for which the person is nominated
  • Please check if you as well as the seconders are paid-up SASM members
  • The nominee should also be a SASM member

2. CV of the nominee

Electronic submission by e-mail as an attached MSWord file is preferred. The signed original recommendation and CV should also be mailed or faxed to the address given below.

DEADLINE for receipt of nominations: 28 February 2018.

The awards will be made at SASM 2018 congress in April 2018.

Submit to: Dr. Hafizah Y. Chenia
SASM Merit Committee
Discipline: Microbiology
University of KwaZulu-Natal
Private Bag X54001
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Telephone: 031 2607796
Fax: 031 2607809

Read 6481 times Last modified on Saturday, 03 February 2018 16:57