Sunday, 13 February 2022 05:34

Postdoctoral Research Fellow Position Featured

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SU100 ID Horizontal 01

South African Grape and Wine Research Institute

Department of Viticulture and Oenology

Deadline: 25 February 2022

Project Title: Harnessing microbial ecosystems using data-driven approaches

Scope of Research: Microbial ecosystems are central to all life on earth, and are essential to human survival and well-being, whether in the context of food security (e.g. soil microbiome and plant health) or in the context of human health (e.g. gut microbiome). In biotechnology, this has led to an explosion of microbiome-based projects and the advent of Next Generation DNA Sequencing has provided amazing insights with regards to the species composition of such  systems.  However,  very  limited  information  on  the  fundamental  functioning  of  such ecosystems (“Functional Microbiomics”) has been generated or scientifically validated. In our research  group,  we  have  created  new  methodologies  to  generate  large  quantitative  and molecular data sets on the behaviour of microbial consortia. Now, we are seeking a post- doctoral  fellow  to  further  expand  these  existing  large  data  sets  and  employ  artificial intelligence and machine learning approaches to model these systems.

Key Requirements: 

  • PhD in Wine Biotechnology or closely related field
  • Additional training in bioinformatics and data science concepts
  • Experience in multi-species culture, particularly yeast consortia
  • Experience in transcriptomic analyses of multi-species cultures
  • Experience in development and implementation of flow cytometry protocols
  • Publication record demonstrating the above skills. Experience in multi-disciplinary environments

Please note that postdoctoral fellows are not appointed as employees and their fellowships are awarded taxfree. They are therefore not eligible for employee benefits.

Commencement of duties: 1 March 2022

Closing date: 25 February 2022

Enquiries:  Send  a  letter  of  application,  accompanied  by  a  condensed  curriculum  vitae, including a list of publications and the names and contact details of at least two referees, to Prof. Bauer at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Read 2654 times Last modified on Sunday, 13 February 2022 05:52