Conference News (69)
Dear All
Compliments of the new year! The SASM conference is now less than 3 months away!
Kindly note the early bird registrations for the SASM 2018 conference closes on Friday 19 January 2018. If you want to benefit from the early bird rates, register online before closing date by follow the link If you have not received confirmation of acceptance of your presentation but want to benefit from the early bird rate, please continue with registration online. We will postpone payment date for early bird registrations to the end of January 2018.
Please note that submissions for Poster presentation will be closing on Monday 22 January 2018. If you are still planning on submitting a poster presentation, please be sure to do so on the website before the deadline.
For any assistance, do not hesitate to contact us.
Carla de Jager
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Prof Fanus Venter
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We are looking forward to receiving your registrations and presentations.
Bergey’s Manual Trust will sponsor five travel awards for postgraduate students or other young investigators to attend BISMiS 2018 in South Africa. Three of these awards will be for any of the young participants with the other two targeting participants from Africa specifically. These awards will cover the conference registration and 3 nights of accommodation but will not cover any travelling costs to and from the meeting. An ad-hoc selection committee will evaluate the applications.
The South African Conference on Applied Biotechnology (SACAB 2016) conference organised by The Department of Biotechnology, Vaal University of Technology is scheduled to take place 28 – 30 November 2016.
Conference Alert: Functional Metagenomics 2016
Written by Heinrich VolschenkFunctional Metagenomics 2016 conference taking place in Inderøy (Jægtvolden fjordhotell), Norway, on September 25-28, 2016 is the 2nd open conference of 'Functional Metagenomics International'.
SASM Council is pleased to announce the names of awardees for Best Student Presentations at SASM2016.
Upcoming Microbiology Conferences in 2016
Written by Heinrich VolschenkBelow is a list of microbiology conferences for 2016 to take note off. If you are aware of any other microbiology-related conferences, let us know!
The SASM Council would like to congratulate the following students on being recipients of the SASM2016 TRAVEL AWARD:
ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING - 18 January 2016 - Agenda
Written by Heinrich Volschenk1. Opening and Welcome
2. Apologies
3. Minutes of the previous meeting
4. Approval of minutes of previous AGM
5. Matters arising
6. SASM 2013
a. Conference Report - Karl Rumbold
7. SASM Status Report
a. Finances – Koos Albertyn
b. Membership and membership fees – Karl Rumbold
c. Communications – Heinrich Volschenk
8. Election of new Council
9. Hosting of next SASM Congress
10. General
The SASM 2016 Biennial Congress, organised by Durban University of Technology, is scheduled to take place from 17-20 January 2016 (in Coastlands, Umhlanga).
Here are some updates to take note of:
In preparation for SASM2016, I am contacting you to nominate one student in your Department/School in each of the following categories: