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Monday, 04 November 2024 18:24

Postdoctoral Fellowship Featured

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A postdoctoral fellowship opportunity is available in the field of malaria drug discovery. The candidate will contribute to a cross-disciplinary project aimed at investigating molecular chaperones in malaria parasites as potential therapeutic and diagnostic targets.

Position Details
We are accepting applications for a one-year fellowship, with the possibility of extension for an additional year based on performance and funding availability (24 months maximum). The position offers a non-taxable stipend of ZAR 320,000 per year.

Key Responsibilities
The successful candidate will be responsible for characterizing small molecules, with a focus on developing chemical probes or drug candidates targeting molecular chaperones in malaria parasites. The fellow will design and conduct experiments to assess the binding affinity and interaction of these compounds with protein targets using techniques such as single molecule FRET, and SPR.
Applicants should have expertise in chemical biology or organic chemistry, particularly in synthetic chemistry, and a strong background in assay development. The role will also involve general lab operations and mentoring postgraduate students.

• A PhD in Biochemistry, Chemical Biology, or closely related fields will be considered, obtained within the last five years (or proof of fulfilling the degree requirements). Relevant experience in related fields may also be considered.
• Strong background in enzyme characterizaGon, including heterologous protein expression, purificaGon, enzyme assays, and biophysical analysis of proteins, organic compound synthesis and characterizaGon with advanced data analysis skills (preferably using Python).
• ExperGse in small molecule synthesis, opGmizaGon, and characterization (e.g., NMR, HPLC, MS) with a focus on anG-parasiGc agents will be an added advantage.
• Experience in structure-based drug design (SBDD) and structure-acGvity relaGonship (SAR) studies to opGmize lead compounds.
• Familiarity with cheminformaGcs tools and molecular modelling soOware for drug design (e.g., chrodinger, MOE) is a nice to have.
• EffecGve communicaGon skills and ability to work independently and effecGvely in a collaboraGve, mulG-disciplinary research environment is essenGal.
• Strong organizational and problem-solving abiliGes, Gme management, teamwork, and experience with digital plaRorms for recording and managing experiments and data are required.

Applicants from South Africa in particular, but African countries in general, will receive preference.
Deadline and starting date
Applications for the position must be received by Friday, 22 November 2024. The starting date will be from 01 February 2025 or as soon as possible thereafter.

Host Information
The fellowship is under the supervision of Dr. Tawanda Zininga, Department of Biochemistry, Stellenbosch University, South Africa.

Application procedure
Submit (email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) a cover letter summarising your background and interests and how your skills match requirements for the project. Include a detailed CV and academic and publication record, and the names of two contactable references.

Postdoctoral fellows are not appointed as employees and as their fellowships are awarded tax free, they are not eligible for employee benefits. The University reserves the right NOT to make an appointment if suitable candidates do not apply.




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